Frequently Asked Questions

What time do the performances begin?
All performances begin at 7.30pm, apart from matinée performances which start at 2.00pm.
What happens if I miss the 5.00pm cut-off and can’t buy tickets online?
We always keep a book of tickets for sale at the door (cash only), so tickets are always available at the venue.
What time can I arrive at the venue?
The gates to the performance venues open at 6.30pm, which is when the Box Office opens.
Can I bring a picnic and drinks to the performance?
Yes. It is possible to picnic in the College grounds prior to the performance.
Are small children allowed?
Absolutely! We welcome children of all ages to our performances.
Are there toilet facilities in the gardens?
Yes, there are adequate facilities at all the venues.
Do you serve any refreshments?
Yes, mulled wine is served during the interval.
How long do the performances last?
All performances begin at 7.30pm and are normally over before 10.00pm.
Can I use my season ticket for the charity performances?
No. The charity performances are cash only on the door. This means that there are no deductions from the ticket price and every penny raised can go directly to the charities.
I have performances left on my season ticket. Can I use them up in one go and bring a friend?
No. Season tickets are issued to individuals and are non-transferable.
Can I take photographs or video record during the performance?
No. Photos and video recording are not permitted.