
Performances take place every evening except Sundays. All performances begin at 7.30pm, except our special charity performances which begin at 2.00pm.
Purchasing Tickets
Tickets cost £19 (£15 concessions) and are available to purchase on this website. e-Tickets are sent instantly via email after payment has been made, and can be printed or shown on a smartphone for entry to the performance. See the Programme & Booking page for online ticket purchasing.
We regret the necessary imposition of a £1.50 booking fee per ticket, but the increase in our own administration costs have made this inevitable.
PLEASE NOTE: We always keep a book of tickets for sale at the door (cash only) for all performances.
Season Tickets
Season tickets are available at the following prices:
CSF Gold Card - 6 performances for £106 (Adults) or £83 (Concessions)
CSF Silver Card - 3 performances for £53 (Adults) or £42 (Concessions)
Season ticket holders receive a personalised season ticket for use at any of the performances throughout the festival. Please note that season tickets ordered on this website will be sent by post, so please allow enough time for your season ticket to arrive.
Season tickets are strictly non-transferable and you should always bring ID and, where appropriate, evidence of qualification for concession tickets. Season tickets can only be used once on any single date by the holder. All season tickets must be used by the end date of the Festival, after which time they are no longer valid and cannot be "held over" to the following year.
Important Notes
Concession tickets:
Please note, if you purchase a student concession ticket, you will need to bring proof of eligibility when you arrive at the venue. Student concessions only apply to those with proof of being in full-time education (for example, ISIC or Student Union cardholders) and those under 17 years of age. Other categories for concession tickets include OAP's (over 65), unemployed and disabled. Temporary 'student' cards issued for those attending summer courses are not accepted.
Seating policy:
There are about 200 chairs at each venue available on a first come, first served basis. There is also a picnic area immediately in front of the chairs for audience members to sit on the lawn, but this is strictly 'ground level', so you should not place any seating in this area. You are welcome to bring a rug or your own chairs, if you prefer. Please note: purchase of a ticket guarantees admission but does not guarantee a seat.
Wet-weather policy:
Performances will normally continue in the event of wet weather. If a performance is cancelled, then all tickets remain valid for any other performance in the Festival. Please see the homepage of the website for regular updates.